Thar (Forgotten Realms)

Thar is a location on Faerûn, a fictional continent, the primary setting of the Forgotten Realms.



Thar, also known as the Great Gray Land, is a rocky, broken moor stretching for hundreds of miles with a harsh climate north of the Moonsea.[1] It is inhabited by wild tribes of humanoids such as orcs who are constantly at war with one another.[2]


The many humanoid tribes of Thar carry out attacks on caravans heading to or from Glister, the camps in the Galenas foothills or villages in the Stojanow Vale. In an attempt to keep them in check and bring stability to the area, lords and merchants have been known to create agreements with the tribes to encourage them not to attack, but these agreements break down easily. Scouts, hired adventuring companies and the barbarians of the Ride also venture into Thar to hunt these tribes and destroy any creatures they encounter.[2]


Several organisations exist amongst the tribes of Thar, including the Burning Daggers, fanatical orc worshipers of Kossuth, the Skullsmashers, a fierce tribe of ogres, and the Red Claws, a goblinoid horde.[2]

Places of interest

The city lies near the mouth of the Tormel River which flow from a lake in central Thar.
Fangjaws Hold 
The lair of the Skullsmashers tribe of ogres, located in the hills in central Thar.[2]
Xûl Jarak 
An ancient orc citadel containing a passage to the Underdark.


Thar is bleak and windy, and is highly unsuitable for growing crops.[2]


  1. ^ Ed Greenwood, Sean K. Reynolds, Skip Williams, Rob Heinsoo (June 2001). Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting 3rd edition, p. 165. Wizards of the Coast. ISBN 0-7869-1836-5
  2. ^ a b c d e Richard Baker (2007-12-17). "The Tribes of Thar". Realmslore. Wizards of the Coast. Retrieved 2008-12-28. 



3rd Edition D&D

Official Material